Empowering schools and libraries with technology.
When technology in the classroom is more affordable, more students can have access to the internet and online learning opportunities. For many schools without a sufficient telecommunications infrastructure, “rationing” of tech-based services, such as live streaming, can limit certain learning activities or eliminate them altogether.

With E-Rate funding, many schools have been able to increase their technical services, giving them greater access to educational content. This cost reducing funding may free up funds to re-distribute to other areas of the school’s budget, such as teacher salaries, equipment, and facilities.
Connectivity Communications, Inc. has been working with the federal E-rate Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries for over a decade. As K-12 schools make up a huge number of our customers, we have made it a company priority to provide support and resources to help navigate the program. We believe in the vision of the E-rate program and encourage this means of augmenting funding in schools, allowing students across all districts access to similar, current technology.

Meg Stiles, our COO, is the resident E-rate specialist and developmental coordinator. Overseeing all E-rate projects, from bidding through documentation to execution, Meg is involved from beginning to end, and has consistently been a valuable resource to schools and Local Education Agencies as they seek to build and maintain their networking projects.
Connectivity’s Senior Engineer, Duane Hensley, oversees the technical details from planning to implementation and has headed a myriad of e-rate projects over the years for varying sized districts. We also employ an e-rate consultant of our own to ensure that we have fast, reliable access to any questions that arise and to remain compliant with changing rules.